Monday, September 30, 2013

Calligraphy is Hard

This weekend we both learned that calligraphy is not easy.  
But, an uber cool skill, don't you think?
Soooo...we'll be at home practicing if need us.

Happy Monday!

P.S.  If you're interested in learning along with us, you can sign up here!
Come on...everybody's doin' it!  Check out Alissa's work!


Mimosa Lane said...

oh wao!! I love that you are both taking the class....I love calligraphy! I tried to teach myself when I was younger....I wish I had stuck to it.

Paula Jean McIntosh said...

Yes, "stick to it" is what I've been telling myself this weekend. It's tricky, but something I'd really like to be good at (or at least decent).

Alissa Swedlow said...

Looking good!

Paula Jean McIntosh said...

Thanks Alissa! I don't know about you, but for some reason I'm finding lowercase k to be very difficult. Random...

Alissa Swedlow said...

For me it's lowercase s. And having two s's in a row in my name is like torture!

RebeccaJune said...

You all have it easy...try writing Rebecca! b-e-c-c-a. All of those loops writing over one another are awful!

RebeccaJune said...

I think you could easily pick it up again. It seems to be like riding a bike.

Alissa Swedlow said...

That sounds nauseating. Ha!

RebeccaJune said...


Karen Trent said...

I'm jumping on the bandwagon - I signed up! Thanks for the inspiration!

Paula Jean McIntosh said...

Yay! We can mail each other letters written in calligraphy. (Or maybe just addressed in calligraphy...)

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