Friday, May 17, 2013

Secret Ingredient

Everyone loves guacamole, right?  Well, next time you make it, add a pinch of Piri Piri (I get mine from Tiverton Farms here in the Charleston area--they're at the Marion Square Farmer's market for any Charlestonians looking for them).  It is a perfectly spicy blend of chili peppers, paprika, onion, garlic, ginger, lemon, basil, oregano, sea salt, cardamom, and other herbs and spices.

If you don't like things to be too spicy...add just a little.  If you're like me and you like things to be a bit spicier...add more.

Everyone has their own way of making to share your secret ingredient?

Have a good weekend!


Stina said...

Garlic Salt :)

Paula Jean | PJM Interiors said...

Ooh! I haven't tried that before! Next time for sure!

Elizabeth said...

Congrats on your new home! Glad you are back with us. The blog looks great! Will add it to my blogroll now...
xoxo -e(

Rebecca June | Sea Island Drive said...

Seriously Elizabeth, when will you be visiting my neck of the woods. We need to get a cocktail together!


Rebecca June

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