Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Who Have You Helped Recently?

We all need help sometimes.  I am reminded of this daily by a wide variety of things that I need help with...

New things like starting a business, or finding a voice in the vast world of blogs...
Fun things like improving my photography, or learning calligraphy...
Seemingly simple things like finding a good hair stylist in a new city...
Everyday things like simply meeting new friends (although, turns out meeting great new friends as an adult is not always as easy as it seems it should be...but that's a whole 'nother conversation)...

Anyway, where would I be without the help of others? Where would any of us be?

So, today, in place of my typical interior design related post I simply ask you...

I am so grateful for the people around me who've been willing and eager to help when I asked, and in some cases even when I didn't ask. 

Thank you for encouraging me to start my own firm and supporting me at every step.
Thank you for making me a better designer and giving me the confidence to do it on my own.
Thank you for sharing your time with me to discuss what you've learned in your own career. 
Thank you for reading the blog regularly and telling your friends about it.
Thank you for replying to my email full of questions, even though we've never met.
Thank you for introducing me to your friends and your colleagues.
Thank you for sending a text message full of emoticons to simply make me laugh.
Thank you for telling me about the great new restaurant that I need to try.
Thank you for being my friend, my colleague, my confidant, my mentor, my inspiration, my support (to so many of you both near and far).

I challenge all of us, myself included, to seek out opportunities to help someone...even if they are a stranger.  Share your knowledge, share your connections, share your support, share your time. And take a minute to share your thanks with those who've helped you along the way.

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